there’s no place like home, but i’ll take a trip abroad any time.

san sebastian, spain
In Sweden I learned that I had a talent in photography.
In Paris I learned to slow down, to enjoy the simple things.
In London I learned miracles do happen. (got detained at customs, ask me later)
In the Philippines I learned just how beautiful the world is.
In Thailand I learned how to ride a moped on streets, mountains and freeways.
In Spain I learned it’s not all about go go go achieve achieve achieve.
In Portugal I learned the beauty of tapas (+ that I do like green olives.)
Travel has been my greatest teacher, greatest gift and biggest impact on my life.

spain or portugal, dont know.
travel opened my eyes to my calling
Over 10 years ago, I bought a $400 ticket to Sweden, Copenhagen, Paris and London. I spent a month abroad, alone and wandering cities, drinking coffee, eating and taking photos of people on the street and beautiful architecture. Basically the basic bitch story of traveling after college. So much good came from that trip, best of all, i discovered I was good at taking photos. I blogged my trip and when i got home, I realized my calling, I was a photographer. I came home, worked hard, shot a shit ton and within a year I went full time. Since then, travel has always reminded me of that wonderful trip that opened my eyes to my calling and what I was meant to be.